26 Duddingston Crescent, Newton


Community Centre Changes

Find out about the three options:

Financial Information

The management committee are currently reviewing financial information and hope to present this to the community at the community information meeting.

Our Timeline

May 2024: Management committee attends information evening, AGM held, 2024-2025 committee is formed.

June: First committee meeting and formation of subgroup. The subgroup met twice through June and developed a communication strategy and a financial review of each option began.

July 24th: Management Committee meets to discuss communication proposal. Subgroup meets to discuss plans for community meeting.

July 31st: Begin to disseminate information to the community, local business and centre users.

August 7th: Sub-Group meeting, 7.30 Newton Community Centre

August 15th: Approach user groups and local businesses to initiate discussions

August 21st: NCEA Management Committee Meeting, 7:30, Newton Community Centre/Sub-Group meeting, 9pm Newton Community Centre.

August 26th/September 2nd: Management Committee representatives to attend information meeting

September 9th: Proposed date for Newton Community Information Evening

Next Step flow chart provided to Newton Community Council. As of July 2024, we are currently in the Information Provision and Management Committee Decision Making Process. The diagram provides the types of things that we should be considering, so if you have any thoughts on these areas, or can think of something not covered here, please get in touch.